Distributed command and coordination

How does a loosely organised group of people get work done?


Ruta told me I should create a product and then offer that.

Creating products is difficult so most people don't create products, there's 8 billion people in the world but much less than that in terms of number of products.

There is apparently 5,600,000,000 consumers in the world, a consumer is defined by someone who earns more than $10 dollars a day to spend on things in excess of their basic necessities.

"Every year we extract more than 55 billion tons of biomass, fossil energy, metal and minerals from the earth meaning almost 10 tons for every person in the world. " https://www.theworldcounts.com/populations/world/consumers

I kind of agree but that's quite difficult. I started defining a fiverr.com profile of what skills I can provide people, but it's difficult to know if you want that work as your job.

How do you get people to do what you want?


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Google では、従業員が何をすべきかを決定し、マネージャーがそれを承認します。 残念なことに、Google の生産性は非常に低く、Google の CEO であるサンダー ピチャイはレイオフを脅かしています。

At Google, employees decide what to do and their manager's ratify it. Unfortunately productivity at Google is very low and the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai has threatened layoffs.