o2oo Feature Requests

What functionality do we want at online makerspace?

YAML 問題 基地管理

0oo is transforming under "o2oo" name (o2oo.io) to serve the first core audience of inventors and creative futurists weirdo makers.

This is a space to organise all suggestions for features that will enable inventors to live on ideas.


投票 (不必要) (通知しない) (不必要)




-質問、アイデア、プロジェクト、中央の列の製品、 -左側の列のユーザーの損益、マイプロジェクト、マイインタレスト(メタカテゴリ)、 -右の列の最新のコメントと結果(タイトルのみ)、 -トップメニューには、質問、アイデア、プロジェクト、製品が表示されます。言語;ログアウト。


Must-Have homepage design:

Homepage that showcases a new behaviour HalfMakery is about (from research questions to a final product, so that inventors live on ideas).

Homepage for logged-in users showcases three columns:

  • Questions, Ideas, Projects, Products in the middle column,
  • User's P&L, My Projects, My Interests (meta-categories) on the left column,
  • Latest Comments and Results (only title) on the right column,
  • Top menu shows Questions, Ideas, Projects, Products; Languages; Logout.

This design is drawn here.

    : Mindey, Inyuki
    :  -- 
    :  -- 



-質問、アイデア、プロジェクトの各レベルで[コラボレーションのために開く]ボタンをクリックして、見知らぬ人が互いに助け合い、アイデアを作成し、一緒にプロトタイプを作成するように促します。 (私は会話/統合を通じてアイデアを作成します)。

Community features:

  • Button "Open for collaborations" in Question, Idea and Project levels, to encourage strangers to help each other, to create ideas and prototype together. (I create ideas through conversations/synthesis).




Financial features:

  • "Donate" button within Project page to replicate Patreon functionality of allowing other users to donate money to each other.

  • Allow preorders of products, so that as a maker I don't need to setup Kickstarter.



Ownership features:

  • Enable to add custom idea types "Preview" (of invention). This would be useful for inventors who are about to prototype an invention, patent it and bring it to market.




Question: When adding a question, and wanting to select some existing questions as parents or children, how to know if a Question is a parent or a child?

Feature requests for adding a Question or Idea:

  • a button that communicates a social interaction request between 0oo users (an invite to "be my mirror! help me formulate my question or idea”). this button would help users like me, who love synthesising their thoughts through voice (when talking to someone) and only then writing down a clear description of the question or idea.



Feature requests for Projects level:

  • somehow showcasing results that have "video demos" attached. I'd watch those published by other users for sure for inspiration across disciplines.


I suggest the home page having a section called random above problems/puzzles

ユーザー プロフィール ページで、ユーザーの問題/アイデア/プロジェクトがトップ カテゴリ (教育、技術、社会など) の下にグループ化されると便利です。


It would be useful if in User Profile page, user's problems/ideas/projects would be grouped under Top Categories (e.g. Education, Tech, Society, etc)

This way it's easier to see common interests between different people

また、ユーザー プロファイルでは、次の機能があると便利です。

オファー(一般) リクエスト(一般)

Infinity の各メンバーが次のように記述できるようにします。

  • 他のメンバーをどのように助けたいか、どのように協力したいか (=オファー)

  • 問題、アイデア、またはプロジェクトに対してどのようなサポート/コラボレーションを希望しているか

メンバー間のリンクが重要であり (リンクがシステムを形成します)、テクノロジーによってコラボレーションがさらに促進される可能性があります :)

Also in User Profiles it'd be useful to have this Feature:

Offers (general) Requests (general)

So that each Infinity member could describe:

  • how they would like to help other members and collaborate (=Offers)

  • what support/collaboration they would like to get for their problems , ideas or projects

Links between members are key (links make a system) and tech could facilitate collaboration more :)