Order To Print



Printer that will print individual copies of books.

A printing company that will print any number of copies of a book on demand (not necessarily immediately).

Including out of print books.

They should also give the option of printing and binding copies of scanned antique books and rare, where possible.

Prices could be reduced for batches of printing, if bulk printing the same book means decreases in costs on the company.


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【カブリア】そんな会社があります! [協定発行](https://www.packtpub.com/)など。この焼きたてを検討するために何が欠けていますか?

[Cabria], there are such companies! Pact Publishing for example. What is missing to consider this baked?

「Packtの使命は、IT専門家への効果的な学習および情報サービスの提供を通じて、ソフトウェアが新しい方法で機能するように世界を支援することです。」-まったく異なる使命。彼らは教育ツールを提供しています問題はまったく解決していません。 2つがどのように混同されるかわかりませんか?

Order to Printは、絶版本の詳細です。私は、既存の本、または特定のセクター(パックターゲットITセクター)に限定されずに印刷されていた本について話しています。

Order to Printを使用すると、著者は、人々が実際に購入したいかどうか、また提示された価格で購入するかどうかを知らずに、何千冊もの本を出版するために莫大な金額を支払うリスクを回避できます。

たとえば、「Order to Print」を実行します。作者のあなたがあなたの新しい小説で私にアプローチし、ルタが彼女の新しいクックブックで私にアプローチします。本はデザインされており、ほとんど印刷する準備ができており、簡単に電子書籍として販売できます。私は読者が閲覧できる電子ブックのオンラインカタログを持っています。 200人があなたの小説の電子ブックを購入しますが、20人がそれのハードコピーを望んでいます。他の20人が同じ月にRutaのクックブックのハードコピーを求めています。したがって、私はそれぞれ20枚印刷し、月末に依頼者に送ります。




" Packt’s mission is to help the world put software to work in new ways, through the delivery of effective learning and information services to IT professionals. " - Totally different mission. They're providing an education tool Does not address the problem at all. I don't know how the two would be confused?

Order to Print is more about out of print books. I'm talking about existing books or books that used to be in print and not limited to any particular sector (Packt target IT sector). Order to Print would also allow an author to avoid the risk of paying a huge amount of money for thousands of copies of their book to be published without knowing if people will actually want to buy it and at the offered price.

So, for example: I run 'Order to Print' Ltd. You, an author, approach me with your new novel and Ruta approaches me with her new cookbook. The book is designed and pretty much ready to print, can easily be sold as an e-book. I have an online catalogue of ebooks that readers can peruse. 200 people purchase the ebook of your novel but 20 people want a hard copy of it. 20 other people want a hard copy of Ruta's cookbook the same month. So I print 20 of each and send them to the requesters at the end of the month.

That way, I don't print shitloads of hard copies that will then end up on disheartening discounts or recycling bins with their barcodes removed. And if the hard copy of Ruta's cookbook is in high demand, I can print more and more of it as people request it and sell them.

It reduces the waste of overprinting and allows more control over the whole process. It also acknowledges the diversity of people's preferences for ebooks/hard copies.

Packt is totally different, does none of this, and is completely irrelevant to this discussion. Sorry.

【カブリア】ごめんなさい。出版を考えました。以前、_Googleブックス_は、絶版、印刷、配達された本を入手するオプションを提供していたことを覚えています。おそらく、彼らは[Espresso Book Machine](http://ondemandbooks.com/)([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXSaq9hLqNc))を使用していたと思います。たぶんそれに代わるものがあるかもしれませんが、そのような会社を始めるには、そのようなマシンをリースまたは購入する必要があると思います。

[Cabria], sorry. I thought about publishing. I remember Google Books had previously offered the option to get books, which are out of print, printed, and delivered. I guess, they were using the Espresso Book Machine (video). Maybe there is an alternative to it, but to start such a company, I'd assume you'd have to lease or buy such a machine.

エスプレッソの本-パーフェクト!それは素晴らしいです、[ミンディ]、それを共有してくれてありがとう。すごい。それはすでに行われています。 :-Pティック。

Espresso books - Perfecto! That's super, [Mindey], thanks for sharing that. Great. It's already done. :-P Tick.


[Mindey] - would be good to be able to archive things like this Idea, once there's a consensus that they've already been implemented. What do you think? Deleting seems a bit harsh...


[Cabria], just let's leave a tag, like [marked-for-deletion] (redundant). Later, we can delete at some time in the future, when we have house cleanup. We should have some kind of house cleanup over time.