

A shop, that lets you overpay for goods you like, to invest the overpay into the companies that made them.


Would you overpay for your favorite food, like fish, potatoes, milk, rice, or whatever at a 10%, 25%, 50% above the base price, if you knew, that the overpay would automatically buy you shares of the maker of the product, so that in, say, 5 years, would you be able to get it for free, or get the dividends buy it? I definitely would, especially for my favorite products. It would automate my investment into companies that make the things I know I need, without any extra effort of investment portfolio management.

So, it's an idea of a competing supermarket, that buys goods from wholesalers, and through use of membership cards (popular loyalty cards), maintain investment portfolios for the customers. Surely, that type of supermarket would require for it to be a stock portfolio management company at the same time, so, two industries: retail trade + fund management.

Such supermarkets would have a social mission, to help people automate their lives. They would also be educational for kids, teaching them how to never have to pay for a favorite meal again.

Perhaps we could start such a supermarket chain: make money not just for ourselves, but for our customers. The idea is inspired by a previous idea: Consumer Investment Tax.


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小売購入者 (消費者) が毎日、食べる/消費するのと同じくらい頻繁に生産者の在庫を買い取ることは、あまり持続可能ではないように思われます。小売業の量に比べて希少な商品。


時間が経つにつれて、私は確かにこのアイデアを試してみたいと思います.通常の消費財を購入するときはいつでも、生産者の在庫を自動的に購入できます。この種のことを実現するのは、ヘッジファンドと人気のあるオンライン小売業者を買収し、すべての法的要件をすでに満たしてから、すべてのショッピングユーザーのためにヘッジファンドで投資口座を作成し、投資資金を共有するのが最も簡単でしょう。ヘッジファンド。このようなヘッジ ファンドの投資業務は、自動化が非常に容易です。なぜなら、株式の購入は完全に決定論的であり、小売業者の購入決定によって決定されるからです。

Retail buyers (consumers) buying out the producer stocks on a daily basis, as frequently as they eat/consume, does not seem to be very sustainable, because, although stocks are on the public markets for anyone to buy, they are actually a relatively scarce commodity, compared to the volume of retail trade.

However, if the said overpay would go to acquire stocks of not only the producer making the specific retail product, but also the stocks of the upstream supply chain companies contributing to the making of the said product, or, even the set of producers making equivalent products, then this would surely be more sustainable.

With time, I certainly would like to try that this idea. It's a no-brainer extra value to the consumer: shop for stocks of producers automatically, whenever you shop for ordinary consumer goods. Realizing this sort of thing would probably be most straightforward by acquiring a hedge fund, and a popular online retailer, with all the legal requirements already satisfied, then creating investment accounts with the hedge fund for all the shopping users, and sharing the investment money with the hedge fund. Such hedge fund's investing operations would be quite easy to automate, because the buying of stocks would be entirely deterministic, determined by the retail purchasing decisions.