親カテゴリー: Lifelong Learning技術政治、法律および政府

Humanity's goals and AI

How to empower humans to systematically define collective goals?


While the AI technologies are advancing rapidly, we still have world conflicts between nations, corporations, and individuals, where people don’t really know what they truly want. While this does not seem like a major risk today, with the prospects of AI becoming super-intelligent, it is an imperative for humanity to collectively define its goals to guide all optimization systems (the alternative is that the AI will do it for us, and may be just one simple idea away from this happening). We do not yet have a way to collectively define goals together by participation of all life, and we don’t seem to really know what they want yet.

The ideas of the systems to define and align goals are welcome, and suggestions to improve this question.

子カテゴリ: Uniting behind goals.

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要抛弃个人目标像名望和金钱等等……吗? 我觉得理想的情况是,个人保有自己的目标,但是不只一味地追求个人目标,人类共同的风险确实需要我们共同解决,超级人工智能是一类风险,环境恶化是另一类。